Thursday, March 5, 2009


Here is some mindless drivel(is that even a word?) That I will admit I stole off Tina Tang's blogsite because I found it humorous and amusing. (Tina Tang was one of my many inspirations in building my jewelry business even though we've never met, let alone shared a Starbucks. The woman has built an amazing jewelry empire that I'm envious of but inspires me to achieve what I want!)


(no this is not abbreviated for Severe Emotional Disturbance (though some may disagree) but Self Evaluation Document:

Name: FOX
Occupation: Aspiring Jewelry Owner/Designer, girlfriend, mum,
Favorite Food: Sushi(preferrably, Spicy Ahi Roll w/ Cucumber-extra spicy)
Favorite Movie: He's Just Not That Into You (at least right now not that this movie had any great substance to it but that it just reminded how stupid one can be when one is dating or in pursuit of dating or any of the others not mentioned. Face it girls we've all been there in at least one or more of these situations and if you say're lying! or you're just perfect therefore never able to truly be my
Favorite TV Show: Life on Mars
Favorite Piece of Haute Fox Jewelry: I'm a Square (pretty self explanatory)
Hobbies: hmmmm do I even have time for these? Well yes actually I do... hair, retro style, jewelry.... eating...
If I were on a desert island the one _______ I'd like to have would be:

Drink: H2O, nothing beats it!
Book: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Wind In The Willows and Standup Paddle Magazine(sorry I have to do things in threes)
Friend: One that would put up with my probably explosive outburst about not having what I needed on the desert island.
Piece of clothing: Enough to cover so I don't get sunburned! (the whole skin cancer thing you know)
Accessory: my own eclectic collection of my own jewelry: I'm a Square, Buddah and Me and Silver and Shells
Album:Sons of the Pioneers (just to be weird! I grew up listening to it)
Pet: My parrot of course, Avocado
Ice Cream Flavor: omg! it would have to be the caramel di whatever(can't remember the exact name of it but can't forget the flavor!) Mochi ice-cream from Bubbie's definitely!!!

So now you know what goes through the eccentric thoughts of a jewelry designer. Feel free to share your own S.E.D. with me or others(wait that sounds kind like some STD doesn't it? Well just be sure not to confuse the two please.) :)

ps- i will be sure and post Tina Tang's blog site next as I was so bold to use her SED idea! check it out!


Tina Tang said...
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Tina Tang said...

Thanks for dropping by and reading our blog. We loved getting to know you! Best of luck with your business - seems like you defintely have a passion for it.