Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Okay so I've been away... okay so I've been away for a long time but kidney stones will do that to you. First they told me it was a kidney infection. Then Doctors corrected themselves and said it was kidney stones. Two weeks of severe pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and plenty of pain meds it passed. I felt like I had delivered a small stone the size of a grape nut! (Hey do they still make that cereal anymore?) I was still in pain a week later and returned to the doctor to be informed that I still had a kidney infection a return to antibiotics and two weeks later still was not feeling well. My children thought I was the woman from hell. (Pain will do that to you, you know.)Well once again the doctors were wrong because I passed another stone on Sunday. So far no more pain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and drinking lots of water. I think I've sprouted gills!
So it's back on track and returning to work and designing jewelry which to be honest I didn't think much about in my weakened condition with the exception of just wearing my jewelry. My theory behind that is if I can't feel well the least I can do is look good and let's face it always makes one feel good. Here's a picture of my favorite piece currently.(I'm A Square-hammered silver square on silk cord It's paired with my second favorite piece(Buddah and me- on a silk cord)

So with all that said and done the only thing I have left to say, DRINK YOUR WATER!

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