Monday, March 16, 2009

My New FAV Mag!!!

Here it is ladies and gents the ultimate guide to standup paddle and paddle destinations! This is a wonderful lifestyle, work-out, sport and the fastest growing craze! Celebs like Pierce Brosnan, Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Garner, and Matthew McConaughey are just some of the people enjoying this new sport. Plus they are totally supportive of ecology movements and its lifestyle. Check it out if you get a chance.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Here is a few FACTS that reinforce the power of a woman!

1809- First Patent Weaving Process by Mary Kies

1812- Circular Saw- Tabitha Babbit

1882- Life Raft- Maria Beaseley

1887- Fire Escape- Anna Connelly

1903- Windshield Wiper- Mary Anderson

1951- Correction Fluid- Bette Nesmith Graham

Throughout history women have been responsible for some of the world's greatest invention. So women...what's your greatest invention???

Monday, March 9, 2009

Simply Green

Keeping your St. Paddy's Day simple? These simple hook earwires sporting a malachite 4mm bead and quartz brick are the perfect accessory for your St Patrick's Day outfit. Don't get pinched!

Luck of the Irish!!

Irish or not it's always good to have a little o' bit of the Irish luck on your side. Wearing this sterling silver 4 leaf clover with adorned with green malachite bead is perfect for St. Paddy's Day or any other day; doesn't matter whether your Irish or believe in luck!

Ides of March Necklace

The Ides of March is the first day of the Roman New Year.It also marks the first day of spring in the Roman calendar. What better way to welcome in the first day of spring with this lovely gold vermeil flower charm pendant accessorized with a quartz brick and sunflower blue swarovski crystal on a 14 kt gold fill chain.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March Madness

Just wanted to give a few fun facts for the month of March as we have a couple of things celebrated in March regardless of it's obscurity. It's always good to increase one's knowledge!


When : March 15th

The Ides of March is the first day of the Roman New Year.It also marks the first day of spring in the Roman calendar.

On this day in history, Julius Caesar was warned by soothsayers to "beware of the Ides of March". Apparently, he did not heed the warning strongly enough as he was stabbed by Marcus Brutus on the Ides of March in 44 BC.

History of
Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá 'le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig), colloquially is the feast day which annually celebrates Saint Patrick (386-493), the patron saint of Ireland, on March 17. It is a national holiday in the Republic of Ireland (a bank holiday in Northern Ireland).

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people and increasingly by many of non-Irish descent. Celebrations are generally themed around all things green and Irish; both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the secular version of the holiday by wearing green, eating Irish food, imbibing Irish drink, and attending parades. The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Ireland is part of a five day festival, with over 500,000 people attending the 2006 parade. The largest St. Patrick's Day parade is held in New York City and it is watched by 2 million spectators. The St. Patrick's day parade was first held in New York City on 17 March, 1756 when Irish soldiers marched through the city. Parades also take place in other Irish towns and villages. Other large parades include those in Belfast, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Coatbridge, Montreal, Boston, Chicago, Kansas City, Savannah, Pittsburgh, Denver, Sacramento, Scranton and Toronto. Large parades also take place in other places throughout Europe and the Americas, as well as Australia and Asia.

As well as being a celebration of Irish culture, Saint Patrick's Day is a Christian festival celebrated in the Catholic Church, the Church of Ireland (among other churches in the Anglican Communion) and some other denominations. The day always falls in the season of Lent. In church calendars (though rarely in secular ones) Saint Patrick's Day is moved to the following Monday when it falls on a Sunday. It is traditional for those observing a lenten fast to break it for the duration of Saint Patrick's Day whenever March 17 falls on a Friday.

In many parts of North America, Britain, and Australia, expatriate Irish, those of Irish descent, and ever-growing crowds of people with no Irish connections but who may proclaim themselves "Irish for a day" also celebrate St. Patrick's Day, usually by drinking alcoholic beverages (lager dyed green, Irish beer and stout, such as Murphys, Smithwicks, Harp or Guinness, or Irish whiskey, Irish Cider, Irish Coffee or Baileys Irish Cream) and by wearing at least one article of green-colored clothing.

Will be posting this week for the new Luck of the Irish necklace and Ides of March Necklace as well. Keep your eyes peeled! Happy Ides of March and Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Okay my last post I did as I was running out the door so here it is, one of my favorite jewelry designers website and blog-site. I hope you check it out!

Tina Tang's Website

Tina Tang's Blogsite: Tangy Tidbits

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Here is some mindless drivel(is that even a word?) That I will admit I stole off Tina Tang's blogsite because I found it humorous and amusing. (Tina Tang was one of my many inspirations in building my jewelry business even though we've never met, let alone shared a Starbucks. The woman has built an amazing jewelry empire that I'm envious of but inspires me to achieve what I want!)


(no this is not abbreviated for Severe Emotional Disturbance (though some may disagree) but Self Evaluation Document:

Name: FOX
Occupation: Aspiring Jewelry Owner/Designer, girlfriend, mum,
Favorite Food: Sushi(preferrably, Spicy Ahi Roll w/ Cucumber-extra spicy)
Favorite Movie: He's Just Not That Into You (at least right now not that this movie had any great substance to it but that it just reminded how stupid one can be when one is dating or in pursuit of dating or any of the others not mentioned. Face it girls we've all been there in at least one or more of these situations and if you say're lying! or you're just perfect therefore never able to truly be my
Favorite TV Show: Life on Mars
Favorite Piece of Haute Fox Jewelry: I'm a Square (pretty self explanatory)
Hobbies: hmmmm do I even have time for these? Well yes actually I do... hair, retro style, jewelry.... eating...
If I were on a desert island the one _______ I'd like to have would be:

Drink: H2O, nothing beats it!
Book: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Wind In The Willows and Standup Paddle Magazine(sorry I have to do things in threes)
Friend: One that would put up with my probably explosive outburst about not having what I needed on the desert island.
Piece of clothing: Enough to cover so I don't get sunburned! (the whole skin cancer thing you know)
Accessory: my own eclectic collection of my own jewelry: I'm a Square, Buddah and Me and Silver and Shells
Album:Sons of the Pioneers (just to be weird! I grew up listening to it)
Pet: My parrot of course, Avocado
Ice Cream Flavor: omg! it would have to be the caramel di whatever(can't remember the exact name of it but can't forget the flavor!) Mochi ice-cream from Bubbie's definitely!!!

So now you know what goes through the eccentric thoughts of a jewelry designer. Feel free to share your own S.E.D. with me or others(wait that sounds kind like some STD doesn't it? Well just be sure not to confuse the two please.) :)

ps- i will be sure and post Tina Tang's blog site next as I was so bold to use her SED idea! check it out!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Okay so I've been away... okay so I've been away for a long time but kidney stones will do that to you. First they told me it was a kidney infection. Then Doctors corrected themselves and said it was kidney stones. Two weeks of severe pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and plenty of pain meds it passed. I felt like I had delivered a small stone the size of a grape nut! (Hey do they still make that cereal anymore?) I was still in pain a week later and returned to the doctor to be informed that I still had a kidney infection a return to antibiotics and two weeks later still was not feeling well. My children thought I was the woman from hell. (Pain will do that to you, you know.)Well once again the doctors were wrong because I passed another stone on Sunday. So far no more pain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and drinking lots of water. I think I've sprouted gills!
So it's back on track and returning to work and designing jewelry which to be honest I didn't think much about in my weakened condition with the exception of just wearing my jewelry. My theory behind that is if I can't feel well the least I can do is look good and let's face it always makes one feel good. Here's a picture of my favorite piece currently.(I'm A Square-hammered silver square on silk cord It's paired with my second favorite piece(Buddah and me- on a silk cord)

So with all that said and done the only thing I have left to say, DRINK YOUR WATER!